The Product Development Guide (PDG) is coming soon!

Diagram of the product development process

To all my friends that have helped edit and refine the draft version of my new product development guide (PDG), I say “thanks so much for your help!”.

The first production version – available to the public – will be released in late August, 2024. I’ll post the PDG here so you can download it. The PDG will be released under my copyright.

Product development is a fabulous frontier for creative people to express themselves, so if you’ve got a lot of creative types in your circle of friends, this PDG makes a great discussion piece.

The PDG is a distillation of perspectives and technique gleaned from my experience, and from the public comments and biographies of people like Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers and Eli Whitney.

In the months and years to come, I’ll augment the PDG with some pictures, videos and case studies about my own product development projects, so you can see if the PDG actually results in the creation of good products. That’s the acid test, isn’t it?

Most importantly, I hope the PDG helps you expand your creative repertoire!

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I'm a retired I.T. worker who runs a farm. Like many of us, I'm trying to figure out how to respond to the slow-motion environmental and economic collapse we're engulfed in. I want to work with people who understand what's going on and are ready to do something about it.

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